Upgrade to Family Watch

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OffenderWatch Family Watch

What Is Family Watch?

The OffenderWatch® Family Safety App with Family Watch is the only subscription service that directly cross-references offender records from more than 4,000 law enforcement agencies with the incoming messages, emails, and phone calls to your child’s smartphone or device. If someone from our comprehensive sex offender registry database contacts your child, or if your child remains in close proximity to a registered offender’s home, OffenderWatch® will send instant alerts to make you aware of the potential threat. You can also create a personalized “do not contact” list that will monitor your child's Android device and instantly notify you of any unauthorized texts, emails, or phone calls from those individuals. (Apple devices are limited to monitoring of emails and phone contacts only.)

Upgrade Steps

Help prevent the unthinkable by upgrading to Protect Plus for the OffenderWatch App!


Click the button below, log in to your account, and select Upgrade to Family Watch.



Enter your credit card information to monitor your ENTIRE family for only



See our Family Safety App FAQ for help using or customizing your Family Watch features.

OffenderWatch Family Safety App