Officer Alerts between Snohomish and King County, WA

This past spring, Snohomish County, Washingtonlaw enforcementplacedan officer alert on a registeredLevel III sex offender withintheir OffenderWatchregistry.Offenders with this level of designation requireadditional monitoring due to the high risk of re-offending.According to police records,theLevel III offender was previously convicted in 1990 of two counts of attempting to molest a minor in Snohomish Countyand hassince been convicted six times for methamphetamine possession,indecent exposure, and a failure to re-register as a sex offender.OffenderWatchOffice alerts are a warning to partnered agencies that the offender in question is potentially unstable or dangerous and to use caution when engaging with them.King County is just south of Snohomish and has a population of over 2.2 million residents in and around Seattle.As a collaborating agency in the Offender Watch Network, King County observed theofficeralerton theoffender’s file.King County registrarsthenspreadthe word within their agencytobe aware of this offenderin the county next door.Through theOffenderWatchnetwork,agenciescanseamlesslycollaborateto protect theirstaff and the publicfrompotential threats.In addition to officer alerts, the network enables agencies to save countless hours as they track offender relocation, transfer records electronically, and collaborate on investigations and community safety programs.
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